Thursday, October 31, 2013

Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov't Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers

October 24, 2013 - 11:32 PM
Terence P. Jeffrey


According to the census bureau there were more people receiving government aid than full time worker.  The number of people receiving assistance is larger than the population of the Philippians.  These numbers are from the average so the most popular programs and the program people were most commonly on.  When other programs are taken into account the number rises almost by seven million.

My opinion:      

I have mixed feelings on this report.  One side of me, when I read this article the first time, I was horrified.  I couldn't believe that so many people were receiving government hand outs.  How could our country promote such a entitlement society?
Now on the other hand, considering and reflecting on what I just read, some of the assistance programs are just like medicare just health care not just public housing and food stamps because people don't want to work.  This also did not take into account people receiving public assistance but also work.  This article is I would say is probably bias.      

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

When Welfare Pays Better Than Work
Micheal Tanner  August 19, 2013

There are 126 separate government programs targeted to help low income families, 72 of these programs  provide  families with money and benefits.  A study conducted by Cato Institute showed the break down of welfare state to state.  Someone in New York would need to make over $21 an hours to be better off than someone in New York on welfare, this is more than the entry level salary of a school teacher.  Most of the time going back to work would be more costly than being on welfare.  Nation wide the study found that the wages and benefits for a person with 2 children rage form as high as $60,590 to as low as $11,150.  It is stated that there is no proof that anyone on welfare is lazy but they sure aren't stupid, if you pay them more not to work they surely won't do so.  

My opinion:
Welfare is intended to help people which it does by providing them money to get them through.  Welfare is an amazing concept which shows how much our country wants to step up and help.  I feel bad for those who truly need the assistance because the ones who take advantage gives people on welfare a bad name, which is horrible. Most states do provide over minimum wage for people.  In the case of Idaho were someone on welfare with two children only receives $11,150 which is not enough to provide for a family.  In the case of Hawaii a family receiving $60,590 is cray that is too much money which will never make people want to work.  I think that there should be a set amount of money provided by each state so that there is no extreme unfairness in the system and this could save money for the government as well.

Study:  Welfare Pays More Than Minimum Wage In Most States

Published August 21,2013

  Minimum wage in Americas $7.25.  There has been talk of raising minimum wage is $9.  This article talks about the fact the 35 states pay more in welfare than people working and getting minimum wage.  13 states pay over $15 dollars per hour.  9 states pay as much as a starting teachers salary.  6 states pay as much as a starting computer programmer.    Long story short people on welfare are getting paid a lot.

My opinion: 
 I think that welfare does a lot of good and helps many family and people in need, but with that being said there is way to much money going in to fund welfare.  So money people abuse the system and do not need welfare in the first place.  I wish I got paid large sums of cash for doing nothing and sitting at home.  Heck if I was getting paid as much as a computer programmer I would never try to find work. There is no incentive to work anymore.  People on welfare aren't just getting enough for basic,s they're getting more than enough for luxurious items too.   America is creating nothing but an entitlement society.  No wonder obesity is bad, people get to sit on their butts all day and rake in the cash.  Now on the topic of raising minimum wage, people should not get paid a lot for a job requiring minimum skills, however minimum wage should keep up with the rates of inflation so working Americans can keep up with this economy.