Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Judge strikes down Florida law mandating drug tests for welfare

December 31, 2013|Reuters

On July 2011 in Florida a law went into effect to drug test parents who applied for temperate assistance for needy families.  The person taking the test was the one who had to pay the fee ranging form $25 to $45.  If the person passed the were reimbursed the money and free to collect the benefit which they need.  The parents who fail the drug test are denied benefit for a year.  In October 2011 the testing stopped after the American Civil Liberties Union sued, saying that the testing was in violation with the 4th amendment rights.   The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in Orlando for Luis Lebron, a Navy veteran, college student and single father who had full custody of his then-5-year-old son.  He refused to take the test saying, "The new law assumes that everyone who needs a little help has a drug problem".  Supports of the law argued that people who received welfare needed to be drug-free in preparation for jobs.. They also said that businesses require similar tests and have been for years.  They also stated  that government should do the same to ensure that taxpayer money wasn't used to buy illegal drugs.  During this time 2.6% of people on welfare or applying for welfare tested positive for drugs where as 8.7% of the general population has used drugs in the last month.  The judge said that the test violated these people's constitutional right and could no longer be performed.  The governor wants to appeal the case.  

My opinion:
I personally like the idea of welfare drug testing.  I don't believe that people feel that everyone on welfare uses drug, it just ensures that the money the get goes to good use.  I feel that though it may violate the 4th amendment it is a good policy.  I think that in the case of government assistance that as far as the drug testing the 4th amendment right should be compromised.  It should be compromised with the understanding that this is government money and drugs are illegal.  This agreement should be made in writing before the person can receive their check.  I do have to say I am impressed that such a small number failed the drug test especially when compared to the general population.  This goes to show we shouldn't stereotype.  Not everyone on welfare is lazy, some people genuinely need the help and benefits so I think that others should stop being so critical when they hear the term welfare.

California's 'Octomom' charged with welfare fraud

January 13, 2014|Reuters

Several years ago a California mother had octuplets, these children were only the second set of octuplets who were born and survived in the United States.  The media named Nayda Suleman or Natalie Denise Suleman as Octomom. She was a single mother who became a media sensation.  Her popularity and support dwindled when people found out she was using fertility drugs after already having 6 children.  Since the children she has been struggling financially and trying to earn money by singing and she performed in a pornographic video.  In January of 2013 Octomom decided to file for welfare so she could support her 14 children.  Natalie is now being charged with welfare fraud because she failed to claim $30,000 form personal appearances and residual videos in the months between January and June of 2013.  She is now facing 5 years and 8 months of jail time if she is convicted.  Persecutors are going to ask the judge to set bail at $25,000.

My opinion:  
I really have mixed feeling about this article.  I feel that there is no need for a mother of six to be on fertility drugs, now she has a grand total of 14 children.  I see how all these kids would be a financial burden especially paying for day care because that is tons of money.  Her children now rang in age for 5-13 so they are or are approaching school age which means that she would no longer be paying the daycare cost.  This being said all the children need clothes and shoes as well as food and other basic necessities which adds up quickly.  I can see why she would need welfare benefits to see that  her needs and the needs of her children are met.  The article didn't make it sound like she has a real job but she should to support her children though she probably would still need some benefits.  $30,000 is a lot of money not to claim for her welfare.  Now all things considered when divided 15 ways it isn't so much anymore but it stilled needed to be claimed.  Shes facing jail time which raises the question of what is going to happen to her children.  I hope for the kids sake they don't get split up or a family member steps up to take care of them if she is convicted.