Thursday, November 21, 2013

Same-Sex Couples Are Urged to Apply for Social Security Spousal Benefits

Publish September 17, 2013  By: Ann Carrns

The IRS decided that same sex couples regardless of where they live, if the pay income tax, married means married so they recognized same-sex marriage.  Social security hasn't come to the some conclusion concerning benefits.  With that being said they are urging same-sex couples to apply for social security even if the state in which they live doesn't recognized their marriage.  They aren't just urging couples with a same-sex marriage but also other legal partnerships such as civil unions and domestic partnerships.  These couples are advised to apply asap because they are eligible they can receive benefits that are retroactive to the filing out date.  Social security offers a range of benefits to families like filing for retirement based on your spouses work record. There's also the surviving spouse benefits if the other passes.  Social security's website saying its processing same spousal claims and will pay them when due, however social security uses " place of residence" when deciding the benefits and that maybe tricky if the marriage isn't recognized in the state which the same-sex couples lives.  Even of the couple is denied for the surviving spouse they can still fight it in court. 
I think that if a same-sex couple's relationship is recognized by any legal form they should be allowed to collect the same benefits a straight couple does.  If we preach equal right I don't know why there is still such a fight for same-sex couples. They work just as hard as everyone else they deserve benefits.  Plus being homosexual isn't a choice.  No one woke up one day and was like hmmm today I'll be a homosexual.  I don't know why some people have such an issue with this. I really hope that they do get the same benefits as straight couples. They deserve it.  Plus since the demand for social security is going up that'll be more money circulated through the economy which is ultimately a good thing.         


  1. If same-sex couples have the opportunity to be recognized as a married couple to receive benefits, then they should be legally allowed to get married. In all states. It's ridiculous that this is still even a debate, think about all the energy that people use everyday to petition for same-sex marriage and what other things they could be doing to help stimulate the economy or their own lives with other issues.

  2. I pretty much agree with what the both of you are saying. Same sex marriage debates are freakin' archaic at this point and the only people debating against it are in denial. In general this is just an ancient, boring subject.

  3. Lindsay, sometimes I think people just need to feel like thye have a purpose/personal struggles against some oppressive force.
    Kirsten, I don't think the issue is necessarily that the individuals are homosexual or not. It's that the IRS decided to recognize something as legal which is not legal in different states, which a lot of people see as overstepping their authority.

  4. I agree, it makes no sense not to offer the same benefits to same-sex couples and heterosexual couples. Even if a couple is not married, the IRS should recognize their civil union, as they probably are sharing the same income and responsibilities.

  5. I agree with everyone who commented on the fact that the same-sex marriage debate is a tired one. Nobody who is against homosexual couples at this point will never give up their views, so I think it is pointless really. I also agree with what Alex said. The problem talked about in this article is the fact that not every state recognizes these marriages, so some people might not think that the IRS should be allowed to have such an overarching policy.
